I Just Realized I'm Stressed…And It's Awesome

Believe it or not, stress can be good. In fact, it's great, if you pay attention. Why? Because it tells you when to take a reality check.

The other day my jaw hurt. A lot. The left side was tender and anytime I would bite down hard, my entire face felt it. Kind of like being slapped, not that I would know anything about that. Per se. 

At first, I thought, toothache. Oh, that would royally suck. Not in the mood to visit a dentist.

Then, after some thought (thank you ChatGPT), I discovered it's something else. 


The thing is, it can't be. I mean…it's me. 

I've been meditating for years. I'm totally into Wu Wei and letting go, so I should be all Zen. You know what I mean. Balanced, chill, and unaffected by the going-ons of the world. 

Yeah, no, I'm fu@king stressed. 

That's when it hit me like a hangover from drinking like I'm 20, but at 47. 

Stress is awesome.

Self Actualization, Baby

So how is stress awesome?

By itself, it's obviously not. The APA (American Psychological Association) released a study showing that over 75% of Americans are stressed. Remain that way long enough and your immune and cardiovascular systems are adversely affected.

That means a higher chance of being buried…or cremated. Cadaver's choice. 

Left unchecked, stress can exacerbate existing health and mental issues. Yes, that includes the pink matter sitting in our heads. One day you're screaming about the price of bacon, and the next, you're sitting there being fed by a nurse.

However, stress can be something special in a good way.

Awareness of stress suggests that aspects of life are out of balance. 

How you feel, discovering what your body is telling you, can direct your attention to its causes. It could be work-related (it often is), maybe it's a relationship (those are fun), something you've read or watched (the news exists to bring us love), etc. 

In my situation, it's been work. 

Yeah, I know. Shocker, but I tend to not pay attention to stuff like this.

Knowledge Is Power Unless You Don't Do Anything

My 40+ hour a week job has been the source of the stress in my life. I grind my teeth, especially when I sleep.

Hooray! I'm free! I know what the problem is.

Well, thank you for reading this. Awareness of what causes discomfort and pain is liberating. You may return to browsing the web for whatever you were. It was probably porn. How you got here…

Knowing the cause of something is a big deal, but the question that naturally comes next is what to do about it.

This is where things get tough, but somewhat easy at the same time.

The World Always Changes

When I first started this job that turned career, I fell in love with the work. In fact, I haven't had this much fun at a W2 job in decades. Sadly, the company's decisions of late have been mediocre at best, and things have gone from bad to dog $hit.

As much as this saddens me, I'm reminded of several things.

Life is constantly changing. Trying to hold onto it as it does only hurts you.

Stress, while rooted in survival, is in most circumstances a desire to control, wrapped in fear of the worst. 

My current job is…was…comfortable. The changes are not good for the company, let alone me. I would have much-preferred things turn for the better, aligning with principles of growth and blessings for all. 

I know. This is a large corporation, not fantasyland. 

Regardless, wishing or hoping that things will return to what they were, or get better, is like trying to materialize a fond memory. 

Understand You And Remember Better Change Is Coming

I know what I like. 

I enjoy being appreciated and paid well for the work I professionally do. The environment I do this in should encourage and support, instead of demand, scrutinize, and relentlessly criticize. 

Amid all these alterations, adjustments, reductions, and so forth, there is a change that will benefit me, so long as I'm not afraid to go for it.

Frankly, what is there to fear? Really?

That I'll starve? Not likely.

That I'll fall into poverty and never get out? Nope.

That I'll be stuck doing something I hate because I need the income? Hmm…ok, maybe. 

There it is. A fear that circles me like a shark, inducing loads of stress and causing my jaws (ha, see the irony) to clench.

Here's the thing. It's on me. Like anything else, it takes perseverance and a willingness to go the distance. Ok, so in the pursuit of a new, better job, what if I land one that turns out to be mediocre to crappy at best? 

I'll do the work and spend my days off applying for another job.

It's out there, and I'll find it again. 

Eventually, I'll align with the right kind of change. 

Of course, I'd prefer to suffer as little as possible along the way.

Drop The Specifics, Expect Things To Just Work Out

Much of what causes suffering is wanting a certain outcome. What I mean by this is trying to force or push for a result that is as you have exactly envisioned. 

I've never quite had that experience. I'm talking about every detail going precisely as I wanted it to.

Instead, I've found that if I expect the best, but let the details work themselves out, great things happen.

It's time to dust off the CV/resume and apply to work opportunities that interest me. If I don't have the skills, better learn them. Where I exactly end up, I couldn't tell you. I just know this. It's eventually going to be a really good one.

How do I know?

I've lived long enough and done this "let the chips fall where they may, but do my part”, to have experience confirming this works. 

It can be weird, for sure. We're taught to push, push, and push until we get what we want. 

That might make things sort of happen temporarily, but I've seen and been through more misery when living like that. 

Things'll work out. 

Just participate and let the rest happen. 

I'm in for another fun ride.

Thanks stress!



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