You May Not Exist

You should know, there is a good chance the world will end if I don't wake up every day.

Don't worry. I don’t to stop any time soon.

Solipsism And Me

Narcissism aside (what am I saying?) the concept of solipsism got me thinking the other night. Is everything an expression of myself? Could it be that I’m interacting with things and events that are just for me?

The concept of living in your mind has been around for some time.

The idea traces back to ancient Greek philosophy, particularly with thinkers like Protagoras who emphasized subjective experiences and perceptions. The modern concept of solipsism, as we understand it today, began to take shape more distinctly in the 17th and 18th centuries during the period of philosophical skepticism and idealism. Philosophers such as René Descartes and George Berkeley contributed to its development by exploring ideas related to the nature of reality and the mind's role in perception.

René Descartes' famous dictum, "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am"), has been a cornerstone of the concept.

Simply speaking, it's a philosophical position asserting that only your mind is sure to exist.

Basically, just me. 

Hello narcissism, my old friend. Love you.

From this perspective, external reality and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. Solipsism challenges the assumption that the world and other people are independently real, suggesting instead that everything perceived is a product of one's consciousness.

If I can't experience, perceive, or conceptualize it, then it can't exist independently of myself.

Pretty wild.

Proving The Unprovable

Considering we can never leave ourselves and are essentially stuck in our own conscious minds, there is no definitive way to prove objective reality without direct experience.

Sure, there are volumes of data, knowledge, and other compiled bits of information defining objectivity. However, all of it ultimately requires believing it to be so, or directly interacting or doing whatever that information is to prove it. Where all that originates from in the Solipsism model is another interesting question, but I don’t want to get beside myself.

That being said, this is where it gets kind of…funky, as if it wasn’t before.

Not all information is accurate. When explored, some end up even being untrue. In other words, if you were told that something is cold, but you discover it's hot, then a kind of truth is created. It also suggesst that not all data can be trusted until experienced.

If everything, as the philosophy states, comes from me, does that mean I'm riddled with error? Would that suggest there is a truth standard independent of my being?


The thing is, solipsism is unprovable.

I mean, how do you test it? You can't.

There is no way it can be right, nor can it be wrong. Sort of like one of my ex-girlfriends.

Solipsism's core notion is that there is nothing for sure outside of my own thinking. The operative words are "for sure". There obviously could be, but without my direct interaction with said reality, it remains theoretical.

Questionable At Best 

Maybe this is less of a solipsist thing, and more of a personalized simulated experience, or kind of game.

Life seems to have this intimate way of existing. Events and other stuff happen in such a way that it gives this uncanny impression everything is just for me, or you, or whomever.

I get it. Perspective.

Sure, it's a filter of sorts.

But damn, it's fascinating.

I spent some time dwelling on this idea that life, my life, is a bunch of experiences presented for my consuming self.

In psychological studies, "professionals" refer to that as the ego.

What I find myself spinning over is how much I…dare I say "we" (see, I'm presuming you're a conscious being as well…kind of) is accepted on faith.

I know that sounds ridiculous but think about this for a moment.

I know my name and my parents. Or do I?

The two people that raised me, claim to be my mother and father.

I look more into this and discover a birth certificate.

It has the name I am called and the people who claim to be my parents.

How do I know for sure I'm this person?

How do I know these people are my parents?

At this point, how do I really know anything I'm told is true?

I don't, except for the red pill that guy from the movie The Color Purple gave me.

You’d be surprised just how much, if not all of what we know as true, is taken on trust.

Oddly Liberating

It comes down to this.

“No one knows for sure. About anything.”

At most, until I directly experience the "thing" from "every", I can't know for sure it's real, or at minimum, accurate.

Most would say that's no way to live, and, in my opinion, they would be right.

However, it can be liberating.

Let me explain.

First and foremost, it allows disengagement from the relentless pursuit of external validation.

When embracing solipsism, the perceptions and judgments of others are, in a sense, constructs of my consciousness. This realization can alleviate the pressure to conform to societal expectations or seek approval from others.

Freedom, baby. I accept me!

Solipsism also inspires an unusual sense of creativity and imagination.

If the external world is perceived as a projection of my mind, then the boundaries of reality become more fluid and malleable.

Think of it kind of like The Secret on steroids.

However, there is also a sense of personal responsibility and agency.

It kind of has to be this way. If my mind is the power that influences reality, wouldn’t I have to take greater control?

This would need to translate to full responsibility for thoughts, feelings, and actions, understanding that this inner state directly impacts the external world.

How is that not awesome?

So, What Next?

Honestly, not much.

It’s a cool concept. I really like the idea of how everything revolves around my direct interaction with it.

Yeah, I know. It goes against the narrative of how life is not all about me.

That’s probably true. Of course, I’m still stuck with me and have to accept that the notion of objectivity, without my direct interaction, is really a thing.

I can almost hear all my former Catholic school teachers. I am insignificant. I am nothing when compared to the grand scheme of existence. A speck of dirt.

Makes me wonder if I should attend church and drop a $20 on the collection plate. Who says I’m not significant then? Oh, that’s right. It starts at a $100.

All Playfulness Aside…

I don’t know the true nature of reality, and it would seem no one quite has it figured out. It may be one of those aspects of existence that will remain elusive, but that may be the edge that makes it great. Not knowing for sure invites exploration which can make life so much more fun and engaging.

Solipsism is a playful thought experiment. It’s certainly a self-centered one and when considering none of us can leave our minds, it’s even more interesting. It also adds a touch of explanation to when I’m told what happens in my life is my fault. You can check that article out here.

Ultimately, reality can be experienced any way you want.

As for consequences, well, that’s a whole different matter.


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When Life Has A Mind Of Its Own